IS BASBL for me?

If you are currently leading in any capacity at Bay Area Community Church and are interested in growing in your spiritual influence, then yes, BASBL is for you! 


do i have to be interested in vocational ministry to participate in the school?

Absolutely not. This program is specifically designed for those who want to grow in leadership wherever they are currently planted. We know many leaders in the church are never going to go to seminary, but we want to create a place and environment for you to be challenged and take the next step in your leadership journey.

If you are interested in vocational ministry, reach out to Brian ( to learn more about the residency program at Bay Area Community Church. 


When and where does BASBL meet?

Day + Time: 1 Saturday a month from 9 AM - 1 PM @ Bay Area Community Church unless otherwise noted below

Season: September - May - breaks provided for holidays

Class Dates:

  • August 24 - Kick Off (10 AM - 12 PM)

  • September 21 - Spiritual Leadership

  • October 19 - Emotionally Healthy Leadership

  • November 16 - Organizational Leadership

  • December 14 - God’s Word

  • January 18 - 15 Minute Teachings

  • February 8 - Doctrine

  • March 15 - Discipleship

  • April 12 - Missiology

  • May 10 - Retrospective

  • June 7 - Graduation (10 AM - 12 PM)


Each class begins in September and runs until May, just like a normal school year. We accept nominations and applications in summer. We kick off in August with a brunch and orientation.


how much does the program cost?

$300. This covers your enrollment fee, pre-purchase of books and resources, lunch at each class and tech costs. The cost covers both semesters in full. There are scholarships available for students who need them. You can let us know by emailing


are there additional costs involved?

No significant additional costs are involved. You may want to purchase additional notebooks or resources on your own. You may also want to purchase the audiobook version of a resource we use - that will also be on your own.


Can I participate if I work full time?

Absolutely. Most of our participants are not in vocational ministry. Our class times accommodate for working professionals or parents. While the school work is intended to be challenging, if you manage and balance your priorities well, you should be able to manage all elements of your life.


No! We want you to be leading! Our goal is to supplement your leadership and create an environment for you to grow, so you’ll bear more fruit where you’re currently leading and become more effective for the ministry you impact.


how much time commitment is involved?

Sessions are monthly, so you'll dedicate about 5 total hours in class time each month. In addition, there is about 3-5 hours of homework each week (reading, videos, responses, and interactions with your cohort leader). While this might seem daunting, it will vary throughout the course of our year together. We do our best to help you maintain balance in your life as you participate.

What is the size and composition of the class?

We have leaders from different ministries, life stages, ages + backgrounds. We love diversity in our group - it helps us learn from each other and hone our leadership skills together. The class size is between 12-20 students, depending on interest and quality of applicants.


Take a look at our testimonials page to get a taste of what this experience was like for our previous students. If you’re interested in speaking with a former student to ask about their experience, let us know and we’ll match you with someone - email us at

Leadership is not about titles, positions or flowcharts. It is about one life influencing another.
— John C. Maxwell